Monday, April 7, 2008

OUCH!! I can't walk!

I can't walk!! My ankles!!

I rollerbladed today! Yikes! Talk about pain... no pain... no gain... what a bunch of crap!! What am I going to gain from pain? I talked to a few kids about rollerblades and they said that it hurts for the first couple of weeks... oh great... *groan*

So... I'm gonna hang in there for a couple of weeks... if it still hurts... the blades go on Craig's list for the next sufferer.

However, I feel great going around the neighborhood burning calories.

My goal is to be slender enough to wear a bathing suit without people trying to guess how many jelly rolls I have. I also want to be more attractive for my wonderful math professor.

I will be blogging about my journey to a thinner fit me.

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